Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things i meant to post but never got around to: The Nursery

I've been making tons of stuff and taking plenty of pictures so I could post what we've been up to. Unfortunatly I never got around to the posting part. Here are some pics of the nursery in progress.

We painted the nursery. B did most since he didn't want me around the paint fumes. I helped tape and sponge the gold onto the pink stripe though. You cant see the dresser very well, but B's refinished it since then. I havent taken pictures of it yet.

This is what I looked like while we were doing the nursery. I must've been around 25 weeks or so.

we put together the crib.

That damn clothes hamper was elusive. It took 3 tries to get it put together right.

I made the bed skirt and curtain from sheets that I got on sale at Target and fabric that I got at the fabic ends sale at Fabrix. The chair cover is actually a failed attempt at making a crib sheet.

I've got a lot more projects to post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! Can't wait to see more.