Wednesday, December 10, 2008


OMG! I have been without a properly functioning computer for a week. I just reformatted my hard drive this morning and finally got my computer back to its normal working self.

A week ago my boyfriend was getting online to check his bank account and some strange windows started popping up. Pro Antispyware 2009 is the Devil! It started running all of these processes that made my computer run slow and freeze and it wouldn't let me get onto certain websites that had anything to do with anti-virus, anti-spyware. I found info on how to manually uninstall it, that didn't work. I went through my registry, my hard drive, deleted anything that had something to do with this thing and that still didn't work. I bought Defender pro 5 in 1 antivirus, that didn't work. After it scanned about 20% of my hard drive the whole computer froze. A friend burned a copy of malware bytes for me and I couldn't even get it to run. Ai Dios Mio! My last resort was to either get professional help (too expensive) or reformat the hard drive (free). I opted for the cheaper and am now enjoying the "out of box experience".

I think I lost a few pictures though. I put what I could onto photo bucket. Eventually my computer started to freeze every time I tried to upload my pictures so I could only upload so many. I threw whatever else I had important onto a 2g flash drive and called it a day.

The only thing that sucks about starting anew is all these programs that I never use that come pre-installed with your operating system. I don't like to pay for what I don't have to and Mcafee requires a monthly subscription That costs as much as my credit card bill. I never use the google tool bar or the google desk top, I'd just rather go to

So, after a week of headache and probably a new grey hair or two. I have a fully functioning computer and no more stupid malware keeping me from my daily computing.

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