Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Affectionatly: Big Fat Preggy Preg

I made a stop by another blog about pregnancy and life and a first timers fears and what not and realized something. I haven't written since I found out I was pregnant. I've given up cigarettes and alcohol (though I would give anything for a nice cold Paulaner Hefeweizen) which are the 2 things that help me deal with my stress and forgotten about writing as a replacement, neigh, healthier stress reliever.
As I sit here typing away and eating fish sticks (beer battered of course) and corn fritters,I think back to the past 6 months and all the things I could have blogged about. The crazy things I've had to deal with at work, my aches and pains and sensitivity to smells, my weird dreams, the wonderful job my BF has been doing in keeping our house running smoothly and helping me keep my sanity.

I worry about keeping the memories of my first pregnancy and yet I've recorded nothing. My head has been elsewhere. Thinking about the nursery and names, learning about breastfeeding and making my own cloth diapers. These damn corn fritters are like rubber.

I vow to blog more. Mainly because if I don't, my head will surely explode.

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