Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gonna go to PT

I went and saw the doc today. I usually see the nurse but apparently it was required to see the doc. I feel like the nurse prac is a little less hurried which makes me feel a little less hurried and I remember to ask most of the questions that have been weighing on my mind.

I told her about my pelvic issue and wearing the brace and how it made my blood pressure go up and I don't even think she heard me. Luckily I had a second chance to talk to her in the ultra sound room a little bit later. Oh, and that's where I got stuck for my glucose test and now have a nice bruise that looks a bit like a defensive wound. I asked her"is it normal to feel like my pelvis has come apart?" she kind of laughed and said yes. I asked "even if its sometimes so painful I can barely walk?" I think she heard that and recommended a physical therapist. Hopeful the PT will be able to help me.

I'm fairly pain tolerant, but when you have trouble lifting your leg to put your pants on somethings not right and that's what worries me. I could feel my sacrum and ilium shift against each other while I was lying on the ultrasound table and I felt like the doc didn't want to believe me.

At least I got new pics of the baby. She's head down and already in position, not breech like I was, something I was worried about. And were still pretty sure its a girl. Doc said she has a swollen labia, or the winky is hiding. I wish there were a definite answer.

She has her hands in her face again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! She's gonna be a cutie! Really, I can't make heads or tails out of those ultrasound pics! Hope the PT helps...