Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I don't wanna eat the candy bar!

Have you noticed the last post was somewhere at the end of February and then "Bam!" nothing, for months.

I found out I was pregnant on the morning of March 1st and it has since consumed me. Its all I've thought about. Counting down the months and days until I get to meet this restless creature I've been growing. Well, it was nothing romantic. My BF had gone to see Motley Crue with some friends. I stayed home because I had already seen them and there's only so much I can take of the "geriatric rocker" trend we've been experiencing. I had been having PMS like cramps for a week by then and thought that something was amiss.

I happened to have "the most advanced piece of technology you will ever pee on" the clear blue easy digital pregnancy test (it was on sale). So I did, and it said pregnant, but only for about a month and then the batteries died. Which kind of sucks since I had to throw away my first ever positive pregnancy test, but luckily, the D Geezy sells them for $1 and $4. They work, obviously, since they were sold out of the $1 ones and I ended up getting a $4 keepsake.

Well, as soon as that thing said positive I went and woke Ben up and told him "pregnant!" I don't know why I expected him to have any sort of tact when he had just woken up, but he replied, "that's not really what I wanted to wake up to." It was a lie because once he got his morning cup of coffee he was happier than a pig in shit and has been ever since.

Fast forward to 5 months 10 days later and I'm sitting here with a big belly and a child squirming around inside it making me wonder if I have worms. I'm forcing myself to eat the 2nd snickers bar of the day because I have to take my gestational diabetes test Wednesday. I hate candy bars. I've been worrying about this test for the past month. I have insulin resistance, one of the reasons why I thought I could never get pregnant. It goes hand in hand with PCOS which blatantly spells out that I will have to buy kids and will never get pregnant on my own. Wrong! I haven't been tested for insulin resistance since I've been pregnant nor have I had any ovarian complications. I doubt the two have just disappeared. But something went right. The last thing I want is to have to give myself insulin injections or watch what I eat. I don't want to jeopardize my child's life all because my body doesn't like my insulin therefore my sugar remains high. I hope everything goes okay with this first test and I wont have to do the second test. I would probably go grey over the anticipation.

I haven't really eaten badly at all throughout my pregnancy. Sure I like ice cream occasionally and I could eat a roast beef poboy damn near every day and pastries are always on my mind. But I've also eaten a lot of fruit, yogurt and no sugar added applesauce which actually tastes like apples and not high fructose corn syrup.

The alternative to the candy bar was 4 pieces of white bread a day for 2 days before the test. I could have gone that route but that meant being stuck with half a loaf of white bread. I'm sure B would have finished it off for me and it probably would have been the cheaper route but I figured why not take a walk on the wild side, live a little, eat some candy bars that you haven't eaten since you played soccer your sophomore year of high school. So I did. And remembered to wipe the caramel strings off my chin when I got through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shanna! I'm glad you 'blogged' again. I've been waiting for you! This is Ben's Aunt Judy. Let us know how your test turns out.